Tuesday 10 October 2023

10 Ten Year Blogversary


I can hardly believe that it has been ten wonderful years since I began writing this blog. That's a whole decade of books that I have read and reviewed. According to Good Reads that is 887 books! Not that I have reviewed them all but quite a good number of them.

When I began the blog, I only intended to do it for a year. It was termed 'a year of austerity' here in the UK and so I pledged to only read books that were sitting gathering dust on my shelves or that I could borrow from the library. As the year moved on I started being offered books from publishers and authors so I included books which were being gifted to me.

With each review I recorded how much the books cost based on Amazon on the day of review and I ran a running total of those savings at the bottom of each review. I saved £373.74 that year and with that, the realisation of how much I had previously been spending on books!

At the end of the year, I realised how much I had enjoyed sharing my thoughts on the books that I was reading, and so I decided to continue, and I am very glad I did.

Since then, the blog has grown from strength to strength and I have added lots of other book related posts. There are author interviews, blog tours, occasional spotlight or book promotions that have caught my eye, as well as lists of new releases and loads of other book related posts. I have also been a judging panellist for The Book Blogger Novel of the Year Awards and for the Romantic Novelists' Association which has been so much fun.

However, none of this would have happened without you, my lovely followers, and I cannot say thank you enough. The blog has grown because you have all taken the time out of your busy day to read my reviews and I appreciate each and every one of you.

It is also fortuitous that my ten year blogversary has fallen on the 10th day of the 10th month so I thought it might be fun to look at my ten favourite books from those ten years. Throughout the next couple of weeks, I will be posting my favourite book from each of those ten years, and it has not been easy to choose. I have read some absolutely amazing books during the decade!

There will, of course, be some new reviews being published so do watch out for those.

If you would like to read my very first, tentative blog post from the 10th of October 2013 the link is below.

The Journey Begins....


  1. This is fantastic. Looking forward to seeing your ten favourite books from those ten years. I think you may have set yourself a hard task there to narrow it down to ten.

    1. Thank you Anita. I really has been fun doing this blog. A hard task indeed but my favourite book from 2013 will be up today.
