Tuesday 15 October 2024

A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol by Alana Oxford - #excerpt #extract #publicationday

This looks like such a fun Christmassy read that I could not resist taking part in todays publication day push, and I'm thrilled that I have an excerpt for you today.

Without any further ado, let me tell you a little about the book.

The Blurb

Christmas cheer was dead, to begin with.

The world rests on Eliza’s shoulders. The kids, her husband, work, her elderly mother and don’t forget her newest friend, perimenopause. It’s too much to carry, but she’s been doing it for years. It’s just what a good wife and mother does, isn’t it? 

When another Christmas rolls around, Eliza is drained by all the expectations and logistics of the holiday season. She’s fast approaching her breaking point, only no one around her notices she’s on the edge.

After an incident at her in-law’s on Christmas Eve brings things to a boiling point, she finds herself with three unexpected visitors. The spirits of the past, present, and future take her on a journey through her life to shake her out of the rut she’s gotten into. Their messages leave her with new possibilities: reconnect with her past, reclaim her present, or forge a new future, and you, the reader, decide which option is best! 

The Excerpt

Eliza, her husband, Jacob, and their teenage children, Bella and Bobby, have just pulled into the driveway at Jacob’s brother Edward’s house for Christmas. They don’t have the greatest relationship with Edward and his wife, Dymond. 

Heavy. The word hit Eliza as she struggled to motivate herself to get out and put on the holiday act she was expected to perform. That’s how she felt…heavy. In mind, body, and spirit. Like she was carrying around the dead weight of the person she used to be, the reality of who she really was, and the ever increasing boulder of who everyone wanted her to be. The roles she had to play were layering on top of her as she struggled to unbuckle her seatbelt. Adoring wife - gleefully putting aside her misgivings to give her husband the Christmas he inexplicably wanted. Gentle and endlessly patient mother - even though the kids wanted her to back off and shut up, they also wanted her to know exactly what they wanted to eat and when and have it ready for them…and clean up their messes, physical and emotional…and be the butt of their jokes, and their punching bag, and their champion but always on their own terms. Cheerful sister-in-law - to two people who knew and cared nothing about who she was and what she was interested in. But she did have to soak up everything Edward and Dymond cared about and were interested in and nod and “ooh” at all the right parts. Attentive and dutiful daughter - even though her mother was not at Edward and Dymond’s house, she’d still expect Eliza to answer her every text within seconds. Doting aunt - it wasn’t Derby’s fault he was overstimulated and spoiled, but Eliza must bite her tongue at his unruly behavior and pretend he was just the sweetest angel she’d ever laid eyes on, her own children included. Authentic self - no. That role hadn’t been cast in this performance. Strangely enough, it never was. Eliza doubted she’d even know how to play it anymore, if she ever had. 

Eliza realized that even the kids had dragged themselves out of the vehicle and were stretching outside their doors. She couldn’t hide from it any longer.

About the Author:

Alana Oxford is a Michigan author of romcoms, sweet romance, and humorous women's fiction. She wants her stories to bring sunshine and smiles to her readers. She enjoys improv comedy, moody music, everything book related, and has an ongoing love affair with the United Kingdom.

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(content and media courtesy of Rachel's Random Resources)

(all opinions are my own)

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