Tuesday 30 July 2024

No Funeral for Nazia by Taha Kehar - #spotlight #blogtour

Today I am delighted to be shining the spotlight on No Funeral for Nazia by Taha Kehar. 

Please keep your eyes peeled as I will be reviewing this book as part of the blog tour on 14th August. I am really looking forward to reading it.

The Blurb

No Funeral for Nazia is a witty and theatrical South Asian mystery novel set over the course of one single electrifying night, exploring the unfinished business death leaves in its wake.

Nazia Sami is a celebrated author, but perhaps her greatest plot twist is yet to be produced. In her final days, she wields a pen one last time as she fills her diary with instructions for her sister and writes six letters to be delivered after her death.

There is to be no funeral for Nazia. Instead, only six invitees are invited to a party, one of whom is a mystery guest. Over the course of an extraordinary evening, secrets are revealed, pasts reconsidered, and lives are forever changed.


ISBN: 978 1911107743

Publisher:  Neem Tree Press

Formats:  e-book, audio and paperback (currently available on Kindle Unlimited)

No. of Pages:  272 (paperback)

About the Author:

Taha Kehar is a novelist, journalist and literary critic. A law graduate from SOAS, London, Kehar is the author of two novels, Typically Tanya and Of Rift and Rivalry. His third novel, No Funeral for Nazia, will be published by Neem Tree Press.  He has served as the head of The Express Tribune’s Peshawar city pages and bi-monthly books page, and worked as an assistant editor on the op-ed desk at The News. His essays, reviews and commentaries have been published in The News on Sunday, The Hindu and South Asia magazine and his short fiction has appeared in the Delhi-based quarterly The Equator Line, the biannual journal Pakistani Literature and the OUP anthology I’ll Find My Way. Based in Karachi, he teaches undergraduate media courses and is planning a novel about male friendships. 

(media courtesy of the publisher)
(all opinions are my own)

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