Monday 20 May 2024

The Bravest Word by Kate Foster - #bookreview #blogtour


I can't do this. I can't do this.

But it's happening. I am doing this.

I'm following my teammates onto the pitch. I'm watching my orange boots, brand new for the brand new season, take step after step across the short grass. I wish I could stop, spin around and run home...


A rescue story of love and trust between a boy and a dog from the talented author of Paws.

Matt is a football superstar. He can handle anything. Except lately his chest feels empty and his head is screaming. He can’t concentrate in school or enjoy football anymore, and he is so, so tired. When Matt stumbles across an abandoned dog, there’s no doubt in his mind that he has to save him. But maybe the dog isn’t the only one who needs help.


Who does not like a story about a boy, a dog and how they save and support one another through love? I had known I was going to enjoy this book before I even turned the first page, and I was not disappointed.

There is something rather extraordinary about this book. It has a lovely story but it also highlights mental health issues and how it is okay to talk about how we feel. I liked the way that Matt was able to recognize that he has depression through learning to care about his dog.

The author has created great characters in Matt and Cliff, the dog. She also brings the secondary characters to life extremely well. I would even go as far as to say I am a little in love with Matt's dad, who demonstrates such kindness and understanding to Matt when he really needs it.

The book is aimed at middle grade/lower secondary aged readers and every school library should have a copy of this wonderful book. It has been one of the best children's books I have read this year.

I could have cried when I read how Matt finally learned to open up and admit that he is struggling with his mental health (not a spoiler as it's obvious that the book is heading that way.) It was a very emotive part of the book, and I genuinely think it will facilitate young readers into understanding their own feelings and that it is okay to talk about them.

It is a heartwarming book which I will be thinking about for quite some time. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Undoubtedly a five star read.


ISBN: 978 1529514216

Publisher:  Walker Books

Formats:  e-book and paperback

No. of Pages:  224 (paperback)

About the Author: 

Kate Foster is an award-winning children's author of middle grade fiction originally from a small town in the southeast of England and now living on the stunning Gold Coast in Australia with her family and second-hand dogs. She is passionate about encouraging and teaching a wider understanding of autism and mental illness via a positive approach and representation in both her books as well as her presentations and talks.

(book and media courtesy of Love Book Tours)
(all opinions are my own)

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