Wednesday 22 May 2024

Widows on the Wine Path by Julia Jarman - #bookreview


That's - er... The name escaped her as it often did these days.

Libby had been standing at the crowded theatre bar for the last five minutes, waiting for someone to notice she was there, when he - what is his name? - had walked in and caught the barman's eye in seconds...


Viv, Janet and Zelda know all about facing the wobbly first year of becoming a widow as their friendship was forged when they ran away from the same dreary support group. Forming instead the much more lively widows' wine club – The Muscateers – they welcome new member Libby with open arms.

Libby feels lost without Jim, her husband of more than thirty years, but the warmth, friendship and fun the women wrap her up in inspires her to begin to look to the future. When a solo trip to the theatre brings a blast from the past back into her life, things are looking up.

But as cravat-wearing, smooth-talking Monty Charles sweeps Libby off her feet, the women of the Muscateers smell a rat. They know only too well that the first year of widowhood is prime for making mistakes, and they’re determined to protect their friend. And as Monty soon finds out to his cost, never underestimate a Widow on the Wine Path…


This was a thoroughly enjoyable read, and I liked it very much. It is a sequel to the author's earlier book, The Widows Wine Club, but it works perfectly well as a stand alone novel and my reading was not hindered by being unaware of the back story.

It is based around a group of friends who have all been widowed; Viv, Janet, Zelda and Libby. They call themselves the Muscateers and I very much enjoyed reading about their friendship. All in their sixties, it is their strong bond which has carried them through their bereavement and helped each to face the challenges which this has brought to them.

However, the book focuses on Libby who bumps into a man that she had a crush on when she was young. Initially, her friends are pleased that Libby has reconnected with Monty, but as alarm bells start to ring, their bond strengthens as Viv, Janet and Zelda seek to protect Libby. 

The author has done a fabulous job in creating this group of women, all of whom the reader can identify with in one way or another. I could anticipate the danger of this new relationship alongside the three women, whilst Libby is living her life in ignorant bliss.

It is easy to recognise that Monty is not who he pretends to be. The author has portrayed him in a measurable manner and his connivance leaps off the page.

The novel is full of humanity and at times is extremely funny. With a well crafted plot, this made for a book which was excellent to read, and I highly recommend.

ISBN:  978 1785130397

Publisher:  Boldwood Books

Formats: e-book, audio, hardback and paperback (currently available on Kindle Unlimited)

No. of Pages: 344 (paperback)


About the Author: 

Julia Jarman is the author of many books for both children and adults.

She lives in Bedford with her pet cat, Penny.

(ARC courtesy of Net Galley)

(all opinions are my own)

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