Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Little Books of the Little Brontes by Sara O'Leary and Briony May Smith - #bookreview


Many years before you were born, a child named Charlotte Bronte made a little book for her little sister Anne...

The inspiring true tale of young siblings who loved to make stories – and grew up to be among English literature's finest writers.

Many years ago, the four children of the Brontë family – Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne – lived in a windswept house by the Yorkshire moors with their father. Although their lives were often filled with sadness and their world was only as large as the distance they could walk, their inner worlds were bound only by their imaginations. Hungry for stories, these children devoured novels and poetry, history and fables. And with the gift of a group of toy soldiers, they were inspired to make their own tiny books ... a passion that would last them a lifetime.


This is a lovely picture book about the minitare books which the Bronte sisters, and their brother Branwell, created when they were children. 

It is a nice little book which is apparently aimed at the three to eight year age group. I do wonder how many readers from that age group have heard of the Brontes, although perhaps that does not matter? Nonetheless, it is a nice biographical story told in simple prose with delightful illustrations to support the text.

What I really liked about this book was that there is a section at the back entitled 'how to make your own little book,' I think children from the upper intended age audience would have great fun doing this, alongside an adult. There is also a timeline of the Bronte's lives, along with an author's note and a bibliography. Again I cannot imagine the child themselves being interested by this but would be of interest to the adult who is sharing this book with them.

In just a few pages the author conveys much about the childhood of the Brontes, and she does so very well.

ISBN: 978 1529518313

Publisher:  Walker Books

Formats:  Hardback

No. of Pages:  40 (hardback)

About the Author:

Sara O'Leary is a Canadian children's writer and novelist. 

She is the author of a number of critically acclaimed picture books including A Kid is a Kid is a Kid, This is Ruby, Gemma and the Giant Girl, Maud and Grand-Maud, This is Sadie, A Family is a Family is a Family and When You Were Small. 

Her novel, The Ghost in the House, is published by Doubleday Canada.

About the Illustrator:

Briony May Smith is a British illustrator who specialises in children's books, concept art and character designs in Animation and Advertising. She has published titles in the US and the UK, including Stardust, written by Jeanne Willis, which Kirkus Reviews called 'warm and light.' She also both wrote and illustrated Imelda and the Goblin King, which the Wall Street Journal described as 'enchantingly illustrated.' She has illustrated numerous picture books in the UK, including Little Bear’s Spring, Tooth Fairy in Training, The Giant’s Necklace, and Grab That Rabbit! 

Briony was highly commended for the Macmillan Children’s Book Prize in 2013 and 2014, and was shortlisted for the Emerging Talent Category of the British Comic Awards in 2014. She graduated with a 1st Class BA (Hons) from Falmouth University in 2014. Her Author-Illustrated picture book, 'Margaret's Unicorn,' publishes this year with Schwartz and Wade Books. She lives in Devon, UK.

(book courtesy of the publisher)
(author media courtesy of her website
(illustrator media courtesy of her webiste
(all opinions are my own)

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